Orchids Bouquet

Orchids Bouquet
One-of-a-kind original design exclusive to Dead Lotus Couture, this stunning bouquet of 30 orchids, with an intricate and elegant vine is simple, yet sophisticated. It is the perfect present or decoration for anyone who likes to add a fairy tale twist to their everyday life or to that special event.
Perfect as a present or decoration, these flowers are certain to create a lasting memory.
Perfect as a present or decoration, these flowers are certain to create a lasting memory.
Details Colour* - Metallic Purple
Body Colour * - White
We send all of our designs powdered by default, to protect your latex from damage. Gently wash off the powder and apply our Original All-in-One Latex Shiner & Dressing Aid, the very same formula we use in our own studio.
You can also add our pre-shine service at checkout, and we will shine your garments before sending them, so they will be ready to wear as soon as they arrive.
info/questions: info@deadlotuscouture.com - Dead Lotus Couture original design ©2015